E14 // POINT: Calming Your Busy Brain to FOCUS on Where to Start (1 of 4 in Series)

THE GRITTY COACH - Accountability Strategies for Entrepreneurs

Apr 19 2022 • 19 mins

Hey Gritty Friends!

Thank you for stopping by to listen. This episode is all about getting to the POINT.  What point?  The really specific goal you have that you want to achieve.   With busy brains, we often multitask.  This is actual counter-productive.  Contrary to what we have always been told.  It takes more time to switch gears back n forth on topics than it does to actually complete one task and then move to another.

I really wanted to come at POINT in 2 directions:  How to get clarity on your goal and strategies to create the specific goal.

If you are feeling stuck and overwhelmed at the thought of the brilliant goal you have because there is too much.  Let's get some clarity to move through the FOG.  This will be 1 of 4 in a series to really harness that goal and make it look much easier to accomplish!


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