Episode 6: Vineta Salale

9 to 5 with Avi & Anita

Jan 18 2022 • 42 mins

Vineta Salale joins us from London, UK where she works in business development and client relationship management at GMO, an investment managment fund. Before joining GMO, she worked at the Janus Capital Group as an institutional director and Towers Watson, as the head of Global Bond research in London.

We discussed pulling IQ and EQ levers for best performance; not having shame about what you want and need; shifting the Overton window for people coming after us; the pros and cons of quotas; and importantly, that everything is temporary - the changes or compromises you make now don’t have to be forever.

Key facts about Vineta

Eat: an omelet

Read: A snail and the whale. Mostly books for two year olds.

Watch: Married at First Sight. Season Six.

Listen: Economist podcast

Unwind: Running

What advice would you give to someone working out the next step in their career?

Think carefully about what really motivates you. What truly gets you out of bed in the morning. And then you know what success looks like, as part of that. If you can get out of bed every day, and not feel anxious about the world that you're going into, and if maybe you can feel like every day, you're in a role that makes you progress, then that is the career path that you should go down. I think inertia for most people is not a good thing. So find the path that challenges you and makes you feel energized. And go for it.

A little about your co-hosts

Anita Dullard is a media and advocacy strategist; Avigail Shai is a diplomatic and policy adviser, and former diplomat – both currently work in the international humanitarian sector.

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