Episode 5: Toleen Touq

9 to 5 with Avi & Anita

Jan 11 2022 • 40 mins

Toleen Touq joins us from Toronto, Canada where she is the Artistic Director at the South Asian Visual Arts Centre, SAVAC. Toleen has worked in the arts for many years as an independent cultural operator, originally based in Amman, Jordan. She collaborates with initiatives locally and internationally to run visual arts, music, storytelling and discussion-based programmes.

We spoke about career reinventions (expectations vs reality); the subtle shift in support for career risks taken at 30 compared to career risks taken at 40; meeting-free Wednesdays and how people do actually accept boundaries if you make them; and making money ethically under capitalism?

Key facts about Toleen

Last meal: A watermelon. She would want to transition to the next world on a light sweet note.

Read: Magic in Islam by Michael Muhammad Knight; an article about dreams and dream analysis; and the Weekend Edition newspaper in print.

Watch: rewatching six feet under - every episode is an existential crisis of its own.

Favourite unwind: a glass of wine and watch the sky and the sunset and the clouds

What advice would you give to someone trying to figure out the next step in their career?

Take the risk. I know that's sometimes difficult because people are not in a position to take the risk, but you can't figure out where you want to go unless you try. So I would encourage people to put themselves in situations other than their own in order to figure out if that is something that they can thrive in. There are so many different ways of trying to figure out why this thing would work out for you or not. And I think it's also important to surround yourself with people that encourage you to take risks. There's little things we can do to slowly start preparing for a shift in career. It doesn't have to be letting go of everything. Start slowly, small steps - incremental risks can lead to something bigger.

A little about your co-hosts

Anita Dullard is a media and advocacy strategist; Avigail Shai is a diplomatic and policy adviser, and former diplomat – both currently work in the international humanitarian sector.

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