Bonus mini episode

9 to 5 with Avi & Anita

Feb 22 2022 • 5 mins

This isn't one of our regular episodes – because we've finished season one ! But we wanted to take a moment to reflect on all the wonderful conversations we've had and to thank you, our audience, for tuning in. It's been really fun.

It’s hard to pick a single item that has stood out for each of us. We’ve had so many women and they had such similar and yet diverse experiences, but the recurrent themes that came up through the season:

  • Networking: hit up everyone you know, including your friends and a broader network than you might think about in relation to your career. People love you and want you to do well and will help you out.
  • The importance of having boundaries, and how it gets easier to set those boundaries once you back yourself. Set a boundary and people will respect it, but you also have to respect it first, if it’s going to last.
  • Kids and careers are massive.
  • Everything is temporary, you can lean in or lean out at different stages – it won’t be forever.
  • We are all the difficult woman.  The consequences of asserting yourself and asking for what you want and how people can respond to that positively or negatively – honestly tho, do we care?

We’re so pleased that the podcast has resonated, thank you again to our listeners for tuning in. engaging. And we're excited to come back to you in a couple of months with more exciting conversations. We will talk to more fabulous, fascinating women working in arts, hospitality, media, comedy, education, academia, medicine. You name it, we got it.

So stay tuned.

What career advice would we give to someone looking to make the next step in their career?
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A little about your co-hosts

Anita Dullard is a media and advocacy strategist; Avigail Shai is a diplomatic and policy adviser, and former diplomat – both currently work in the international humanitarian sector.

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