Episode 3: Georgie Parker

9 to 5 with Avi & Anita

Dec 28 2021 • 43 mins

Georgie Parker lives in Geneva, and is the head of sustainability at Query Capital, an independent funds management firm based in Switzerland. She began her career as an investment analyst in London and New York, before switching to the startup sector with a focus on reducing plastic waste and coming full circle back to investments in her current role.

Georgie is also the co-founder of a network called Broadminded, which brings together and supports dynamic and ambitious women in the middle of their careers to hear from inspiring speakers, speak honestly about the challenges they face and learn from each other’s experiences - clearly right up our alley!

​We spoke to George about taking big risks - including the power of quitting a job before finding the next one; how to network in a way that feels true to you; the importance of confidence, having clear boundaries and taking lunch; the lack of correlation between hours worked and productivity; and what the ‘100 year life’ means for how our approach to work will change over time.

Key facts about George

Last meal: roast chicken and crumble for dessert

Read: A book on Hypno-birthing and Panchiko by Min Jin Lee

Watch: This Is Us

Listen: investment podcasts like Bloomberg and French podcasts to improve

Advice for those wondering how to figure out the next step in their career?

Find ways to meet new people, that are not in your head a networking opportunity, because then automatically it becomes more painful. Seek connections with people who do different things, not just your friends, but outside of those circles, and through extracurricular activities. Ask people you do know  for introductions, have coffees with people in the fields you’re interested, and always be open to the potential of chance encounters.

A little about your co-hosts
Anita Dullard is a media and advocacy strategist; Avigail Shai is a diplomatic and policy adviser, and former diplomat – both currently work in the international humanitarian sector.

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