Episode 7: Rachaporn Choochuey

9 to 5 with Avi & Anita

Jan 25 2022 • 33 mins

Rachaporn Choochuey joins us from Bangkok, Thailand, where she is balancing a career as a practising architect / designer with academic teaching. Finding herself bored with day to day work of architecture, Rachaporn headed off to study in New York and Tokyo, ending up coming full circle to practice architecture on her own terms.

We get into providing for staff, how important it is for champions to provide a vision of how to live beyond the nuts and bolts of careers; the balance between art and commerce. And the secret sleep substitute: foot massages.

Key facts about Rachaporn
Last mean:
Food is not really that important. I think it has to be a party. And we have some fun talking and drinking.

Currently reading: Poilâne: The Secrets of the World-Famous Bread Bakery by Apollonia Poilâne

Currently watching: Mafia movies. I love The Godfather.

Listening to: The Economist podcast briefings

Favourite unwind: I read. And order books that pile up.

What advice would you give to someone who is in the middle of their career and working out what to do next?

If you are 40 or 50 something I think we have nothing to lose, right? Like me. I think for me, after like 40 something. At 40 I had this feeling that whatever difficulties come, I'll be able to handle them. So if you want to change your career, if you don't feel that you belong to where you are anymore, I think you just change.

A little about your co-hosts

Anita Dullard is a media and advocacy strategist; Avigail Shai is a diplomatic and policy adviser, and former diplomat – both currently work in the international humanitarian sector.

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