Episode 4: Fiona Meldrum

9 to 5 with Avi & Anita

Jan 4 2022 • 50 mins

Fiona  Meldrum, joins us from Cardiff, Wales, where she is a community organiser with Citizens UK. Before making the big shift to community organising, where she supports communities to run social justice campaigns, Fiona worked in qualitative market research; in London as a brand consultant for organisations including the BBC and Microsoft; as a media and communications strategist for Australian brands such as United Breweries; and as a freelancer in the startup world.

We spoke to Fiona about the power of ‘small p’ politics; going a long time without a win - and how to deal with it; the privilege of taking a massive pay cut; how to prevent burnout (hint; strong boundaries are key); the necessity of having people in your life who can help anchor you when you’re lost; and finding measures of success other than making more money.

Key facts about Fiona

Last meal: Crumpets with butter, diplomatically alternating between Marmite and Vegemite

Read: A collection of essays by George Orwell called Fascism and Democracy, Ezra Kline’s book ‘Why We’re Polarized’; Ella Baker and Desmond Tutu on civil rights and the fight for social justice.

Watch: It’s a Sin, Call My Agent

Listen: Desolation Radio, a podcast on Welsh politics, society & culture; Changemakers Podcast, which tells stories of people who are striving for social change around the world

Favourite unwind: a lot of yoga, a lot of walking, gardening, and traveling in the camper van

Advice for those wondering how to figure out the next step in their career?

Spend as much time thinking about who you are and want to be in the world as you do thinking about your next career move; unpick what matters for you versus what you’ve been taught to think is important, or what you’ve been told you should be. Taking out this ‘stuff’ and letting go will create the space necessary to find your own purpose. And practically, write down what you want, bounce ideas off people whether that’s mentors, anchors, friends, coaches - this helps to visualise what matters to you so you can work toward it.

A little about your co-hosts
Anita Dullard is a media and advocacy strategist; Avigail Shai is a diplomatic and policy adviser, and former diplomat – both currently work in the international humanitarian sector.

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