Episode 8: Victoria Cavanagh

9 to 5 with Avi & Anita

Feb 1 2022 • 44 mins

Victoria Cavanagh joins us from Berlin, Germany where she is the director of international sales and marketing at a large farming and food company.  Before that, Victoria worked in international development and communications at the UN and other public and private organizations in southern Africa, Europe and Australia.

In this episode, we get into pushing beyond your comfort zone and backing yourself to ask for what you’re worth, the importance of considering the lifestyle you want when making decisions and negotiating; and that everything ultimately rests on brunch.

Key facts about Victoria

Last meal: Hummus

Currently reading: German children's book to learn the language

Currently watching: Schitt’s Creek and Operation Varsity Blues

Listening to: Spotify 2015 Most played playlist

Favourite unwind: scouring a flea markets

What advice would you give to someone thinking through the next step in their career?

  1. Work out what’s important to you. Talk to as many people as possible and be very open-minded. Try to see what's out there, read a lot of job descriptions online, and see what excites you, what you like the sound of, what industries you're interested in, try to visualize what another job entails. Then make a matrix, weigh the answers and see where you land.
  2. Keep in contact with people. I've got almost every job I've ever gotten through someone that I met at a random place at a random moment in time, completely unrelated to the job. But we somehow kept in contact. That is how I got this job in Germany. I met someone at a brunch years earlier, and kept in contact and when an opportunity came up in that company, she reached out.
  3. Stay positive, you'll find something, you'll figure it out and a great opportunity will come.

A little about your co-hosts

Anita Dullard is a media and advocacy strategist; Avigail Shai is a diplomatic and policy adviser, and former diplomat – both currently work in the international humanitarian sector.

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