Episode 8 :- Compassion and Community- Insights from our Conversation with Dr Hayley D Quinn

Growing Tall Poppies

May 3 2024 • 13 mins

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Welcome back to another enlightening episode of Growing Tall Poppies with Dr. Nat Green! As you know in weeks featuring special guests like the remarkable Dr Hayley D Quinn, we're doubling up with a bonus episode to dive deeper into the golden threads of wisdom they share.

In this episode host Dr. Nat reflects on her insightful conversation with Dr. Hayley around the essence of Compassion and the profound impact of building a supportive community & shares practical strategies for activating compassion in our own lives.

We also discuss the courage it takes to ask for help and the importance of surrounding ourselves with a supportive network of allies who uplift and empower us to post-traumatic growth.

Episode Highlights

The Transformative Power of Compassion: Dr. Hayley D. Quinn's journey from trauma to thriving highlights the importance of compassion in the healing process. Compassion involves extending kindness, understanding, and empathy towards ourselves and others, and receiving it to foster resilience and growth.

Activating Compassion: We discusses practical strategies for activating compassion in our lives, including mindfulness, self-care practices, and extending empathy to ourselves and others. By nurturing compassion, we can navigate through pain and suffering with gentleness and understanding.

The Importance of Asking for Help: Dr. Hayley emphasised the courage it takes to ask for help and the importance of building a supportive community. We look at overcoming barriers to seeking support and surrounding ourselves with allies who uplift and empower us on our journey to post-traumatic growth.

Actionable Steps:

  • Practice mindfulness and self-care daily to cultivate compassion towards yourself.
  • Extend empathy and support to others who may be going through similar challenges.
  • Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or mental health professionals for support when needed.
  • Learn how to receive support from others when offered

Participate in Dr Nat's 5-day self-compassion challenge to deepen your practice of self-compassion.

Additional Resources As Mentioned:

Access & Download Dr. Hayley's "gentle guide for a courageous and compassionate life" https://drhayleydquinn.com/resources/
Books Christopher Germer : The Mindful Path To Self-Compassion
Paul Gilbert - The Compassionate Mind
Chris Irons & Elaine Beaumont The Compassionate Mind Workbook

FREE Challenge
Also look to Join Dr. Nat's five-day self-compassion challenge at www.drnataliegreen.com.au/selfcompassionchallenge

No matter what challenges you may face, you are not alone on your journey to post-traumatic growth. By nurturing compassion within ourselves and building a supportive community of fellow tall poppies, we can overcome adversity and thrive once more. Keep growing tall and reach

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Intro and Outro music: Inspired Ambient by Playsound.

Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be deemed or treated as psychological treatment or to replace the need for psychological treatment.

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