Beyond the Bottom Line - Will Keiper's Approach to Compassionate Leadership

The Rising Leader

Apr 24 2024 • 40 mins

In this week’s episode, we delve into the evolution of leadership from a rigid, old-school approach to one that embraces empathy, compassion, and authenticity. My conversation with Will Keiper, an accomplished author and thinker, uncovers the transformative power of being present and aware of one's own thoughts and emotions, and how these principles are crucial for effective leadership both in the business world and in personal realms.

Will Keiper is a celebrated author and leadership consultant with a rich background in transforming business dynamics through conscious leadership. Having been influenced by past mentors who valued financial success above all, Will experienced a profound shift toward a more compassionate and present-centric approach to leading others. His latest book, "Noticing," encapsulates his journey toward intentional living and the cultivation of a mindful presence within the ever-changing landscapes of modern work.

"The essence of leadership is the ability to move others to a higher place, and this can manifest in even the simplest of one-on-one interactions."- Will Keiper

Today on The Rising Leader:

·     The pivot from traditional, impersonal leadership to a style that values empathy and human connection.

·     An understanding that true presence and acknowledging the moment can profoundly affect personal well-being and leadership effectiveness.

·     How personal challenges and relapses can serve as critical touchstones for growth and self-reflection.

·     The need for leaders, now more than ever, to recognize the human aspect in their teams, especially with the changes forced by automation and remote work.

·     The concept of 'Noticing' as a transformative practice to still the mind and become fully engaged with life's moments.

·     The idea that everyone has the potential to lead, irrespective of their role—leadership is an action, not a position.

·     Embracing change requires leaders to create a culture of acceptance, care, and authenticity.

·     The power of sharing vulnerabilities and being transparent can transform relationships and foster trust.

Connect with Will Keiper:



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