Claiming Visibility: Empowering High-Achieving Moms to Be Seen | Ep. 116

PLAN GOAL PLAN | Goals, Transformation for Women, Mindful Time Management, Balance, Working Moms

Feb 27 2024 • 14 mins

In this empowering episode, I delve into the often overlooked struggle of invisibility experienced by high achievers, particularly women. Despite their accomplishments, many find themselves fading into the background, their efforts unnoticed and their voices unheard.

We explore the underlying dynamics of this phenomenon, shedding light on the challenges faced by women striving for recognition and value, both in the workplace and at home. Drawing from Dr. Claire Zammit's insightful work, we identify invisibility as a significant barrier, especially poignant for women of color and those in marginalized positions.

But amidst these challenges lies an opportunity for growth and empowerment. Through introspection and intentional action, we can reclaim our visibility and worth. By nurturing self-awareness, expressing our needs confidently, and prioritizing self-care, we can break free from the shadows and emerge as beacons of inspiration.

The journey to embracing visibility starts with recognizing our intrinsic value and acknowledging our worthiness independent of external validation. It's about advocating for ourselves, setting boundaries, and unapologetically pursuing our aspirations. Together, we can create a supportive community where every high-achieving woman feels seen, heard, and celebrated.

Join us in this transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Together, let's illuminate the path to a future where all women confidently shine and thrive. Embrace your visibility, embrace your worth, and embrace the greatness within you.

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