Ep 80: Sell without the sales pitch! | Education Selling Method

The Dean Seddon Podcast

Jan 4 2024 • 23 mins

You've read the gurus post.

Their advice is "post great content and you'll get enquiries"

That's easy to say when your sat on 174k followers and can sit on LinkedIn for 90 minutes mindlessly replying to comments.

The content money machine is a myth.

You need a system to help you build your business, win clients and doesn't hinge on being in favour with an algorithm.

You need a repeatable process that gets you clients, without overwhelm or sales pitching strangers.

You need a system that is consistent and doesn't trash your credibility.

That's why I teach people how to use my Educational Selling Method - a way that 854 coaches, consultants and thought leaders have used to spend more time doing what they love and less time selling.