The Dean Seddon Podcast

Dean Seddon

CEO @ MAVERRIK 🚀 On a mission is to equip one million businesses to get clients, grow faster and spend less time selling. On the podcasts, I share tips, tricks and personal stories as well as brining on some guests to share their experience and expertise to help my audience build a better business read less


Ep 86: Making Money As a Writer Online
Mar 8 2024
Ep 86: Making Money As a Writer Online
Welcome back to the podcast with your host, Dean Seddon. Today's focus is on unravelling the mystery on how to make money online as a writer. Online writing has experienced an unprecedented boom, leaving many wondering, "How do these people actually make money?" Together, we dive into different ways of monetizing online content and discuss the best practices employed by the most successful people in this space. You'll learn about two primary revenue models to monetize online writing; the back-end model and the front-end model. Both have their nuances, but the difference is essentially who pays and who benefits from your writing - the audience or the sponsor brands. We go through step-by-step how each model works and how beginners and experienced writers can navigate these paths to financial success. Writing online can muster more than generating income from blogs, tweets, and more traditional methods. We're talking online courses, templates, masterclasses - knowledge is a valuable commodity that has thrived for centuries, and the digital age has breathed new life into this trade. What's the secret? Dean shares a comprehensive plan – from defining what to sell, creating the right content, building an email list, and best leveraging social media. Learn how these components work, how they connect, and how they can be maximized. Success is not without work. With a realistic approach and perseverance, you can build a loyal audience and eventually transition into more comfortable and lucrative prospects. The podcast wraps by discussing the challenges and setbacks that you may face and how to overcome them for a thriving writing business that earns. In the end, we emphasize the need for commitment, dedication, and consistency in this liberating journey towards financial freedom. The digital world is overflowing with opportunity – it's the perfect time to start your online writing venture!
Ep 85:Two people, same problem - The disconnect in social selling
Mar 4 2024
Ep 85:Two people, same problem - The disconnect in social selling
This week, I had the opportunity to speak at two events dealing with similar concerns about the use of LinkedIn and social selling. Despite one event catering to large technology businesses and the other to solopreneurs, the problems brought up were oddly similar. Both companies, despite their diverse dynamics, had struggled with leveraging social selling via LinkedIn and were wondering why it simply wasn't working out for them. From attempting to post engaging content, to outbound messaging, and even attending one of LinkedIn's training sessions, the companies couldn't quite grasp how to effectively use the platform for sales. But having worked extensively on these exact issues, it was a situation I relished. It allowed me to share some crucial insights about why such problems occurs, not just to them, but to many others trying to use LinkedIn for sales. LinkedIn, a colossal platform with a billion members, is a fundamental spot for salespeople, marketers, and solopreneurs to start their journey. The focus usually hovers over content, an avenue to get oneself known and visible, with an added eagerness to harness high engagement rates. But it is significant to remember that engagement isn't the be-all and end-all of social selling—resonating deeply with potential customers is. The common mistake that many businesses make with LinkedIn is believing that a higher volume of eyeballs on their content equals more leads. But it is crucial to understand that the key is not in persistent expansion of viewership, but resonating with the target audience. Content alone can't generate sustainable sales; it's shooting out a signal that exactly the right people can pick up, rather than just making more noise that attracts a broader, and consequently more irrelevant, audience. Instead of trying to cover broader demographics hoping to catch the right people, the secret is more in adjusting your frequency, dialling it into a form that speaks exclusively to your ideal customer. LinkedIn's improved algorithm works towards matching relevant content with users who resonate with it. Streamline your content to serve a specific audience rather than all possible audiences to maintain relevance and resonance. Crafting highly targeted content may mean having fewer impressions, but the majority of these impressions will be absolute gold. No matter how broad your service or product offering might be, it is always more effective to present a curated, focused network that avoids confusing your audience and the LinkedIn algorithm. The focus is to encapsulate the needs and interests of one specific audience, with a critical understanding that not all content will be relevant for everybody.   Want to know more? Drop me a line
Ep 84: 5 reasons your LinkedIn content isn't performing
Feb 26 2024
Ep 84: 5 reasons your LinkedIn content isn't performing
It's Dean here, and today I'm talking about how to create LinkedIn posts for engagement. If you've been wondering why your content isn't hitting the mark or why engagement seems like a distant dream, you're in the right place. I'm unpacking the five critical reasons your LinkedIn posts for engagement might be falling flat and, more importantly, how tiny tweaks can turn things around. First off, let's talk about the elephant in the room: an unfocused network. It's easy to overlook, but who you're connected with on LinkedIn can significantly impact the reach and engagement of your posts. If your network is a mishmash of past and present industries, it's time for a clean-up. Tailoring your network to reflect your current focus ensures your LinkedIn posts for engagement are seen by the right eyes, making all the difference. Next up, an unfocused message. This is a biggie. Trying to appeal to everyone often means you resonate with no one. If you want your LinkedIn posts for engagement to cut through the noise, they need to speak directly to your ideal clients. Make it crystal clear who your content is for, and watch as engagement starts to climb. Now, let's tackle content length. In the fast-paced world of LinkedIn, less is often more. Keeping your posts concise and to the point can help hold your audience's attention, boosting those crucial engagement rates. Remember, overwhelming your audience with too much information can lead to them tuning out, not tuning in. Complexity is another engagement killer. Simple, straightforward content not only performs better but is also more accessible to a wider audience. If you're tackling a big topic, consider breaking it down into a series of posts. This approach keeps your LinkedIn posts for engagement digestible and engaging, encouraging your audience to come back for more. Lastly, the power of discussion cannot be overstated. Posts that invite opinions and foster conversation naturally generate more engagement. Instead of broadcasting information, try to spark a dialogue. Ask questions, share ideas, and encourage your followers to weigh in. This strategy not only boosts engagement but also builds a sense of community around your content. In conclusion, if your LinkedIn posts for engagement aren't performing as well as you'd hoped, don't despair. By focusing on these five areas, you can dramatically increase the impact and reach of your content. Remember, LinkedIn is a powerful tool for connecting with potential clients and building your personal brand, but it requires a strategic approach to truly harness its potential. So, take these tips, apply them to your next posts, and watch as your LinkedIn engagement begins to soar.