Episode 94 - From Vision to Reality: Intentional Goal Setting for the New Year and Beyond (re-air)

The ESL Teaching Podcast

Dec 12 2023 • 21 mins

With the new year right around the corner, we tend to reflect on the things we accomplished and what we can do to improve on the quality of our lives, both personal and professional, in the next year. So setting goals is especially popular this time of year. The hopes are high that in the coming year, we for sure will exercise more, or read more books, or do more of this or less of that. Unfortunately, life continues flowing without much regard to the grand plans of our mind, and that's why we tend to fall off the wagon fairly quickly. Why is that?

Well, it's been proven that it's the small habits that when tweaked and implemented consistently day in and day out that make the biggest difference in your life. So in this episode, I wanted to share my thoughts on goal setting with our EL students. What better time to do that than at the start of the year.

What you will hear about in this episode:

  • The importance of goal setting for english learners
  • The anatomy of a goal
  • Identifying the four times during the school year that are great to set goals
  • A four-part activity that you can revisit and reuse anytime you need

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