45 穷途末路的第三次策展破产实践


Apr 15 2023 • 54 mins

为了做展览背负巨额债务,濒临破产的策展人们来为6月1日开幕的展览‘Magnified Ear’ 众筹啦!


Gofundme: https://gofund.me/9bdb1f53

爱发电众筹通道: https://afdian.net/a/curatingmatters


Abby & Ginger



2:20 我们是如何背负巨额债务的

3:34 破产方案的生产过程

7:48 负债之黑胶出版物

21:23 负债之艺术家费

26:40 负债之作品落地和方案调整

31:00 负债之本次展览的公共活动

33:54 展览的在地性反思

35:25 我们的策展实践机构化了吗?


Andrei Cucu, www.andreicucu.com

Hsi-Nong Huang, www.hsi-nong.com

Georg Klein, www.georgklein.de

Tomoko Hojo, tomokohojo.net

Pheobe riley Law, www.pheoberileylaw.yolasite.com & Jez riley French, www.jezrileyfrench.co.uk

Yuyan Wang, www.theunrealwangyuyan.com

Mengting Zhuo, www.zhuomengting.com & Li Song, notimportant.org


In Good Company Intl., ingoodcompany.international


Isaac Maxwell, soundcloud.com/isaac_maxwell

John Levack Drever, www.gold.ac.uk/music/staff/drever/

Reading list:

1. Listening as Methodological Tool: Sounding Soundwalking Methods, Drever, J.L.(2020)

2. An Architecture of the Seven Senses. In Questions of perception : phenomenology of

architecture, Pallasmaa, J. (1994).

3. Music as an Art of Space. Intersections between Music and Architecture in the Work of

Iannis Xenakis. In Resonance. Essays on the Intersection of Music and Architecture, Sterken, S. (2007).

4. Eupalinos ou l’architecte, Valéry, P, (1924)

5. Rise and Fall of Alternatives Spaces, Cristelle Terroni (2011)

6. Alternative Histories, a history of New York City alternative spaces since the 1960s, Edited by Lauren Rosati and Mary Anne Staniszewski (2012)

7. Inside the white cube, the ideology of the Gallery Space, Brian O`Doherty (1976)

8. Apotheosis of the crummy space, Nancy Foote (1976)

9. The Eyes of the skin, Juhani Pallasmaa (1996)

10. Background Noise: perspectives on sound art, Brandon LaBelle (2006)

11. Sound and the Visual Arts, Jean-Yves Bosseur (1993)

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