Episode 20 : Sarah Louise Gandolfo

Teaching Journey : Connecting through Early Education

Dec 14 2023 • 51 mins

Sarah Louise is an exceptional leader and advocator for the Early Years Sector and have many years of experiences within the sector with multiple roles and leadership hats. She is now a consultant and founder of Learning to Lead in Early Childhood. Sarah Louise talks about Kind Leadership vs Nice Leadership and discussed what burnout can look like. She spoke passionately about her Social Justice advocacy work and shared with us behind her 'why' on continuing the work that she does within the Early Childhood Sector.


Rogers, M. (2023, April 18). Early educators around the world feel burned out and devalued: Here is how we can help. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/early-educators-around-the-world-feel-burnt-out-and-devalued-heres-how-we-can-help-202513

Ng, J., Rogers, M., & McNamara, C. (2023). Early childhood educator’s burnout: A systematic review of the determinants and effectiveness of interventions. Issues in Educational Research, 33(1), 173. https://www.iier.org.au/iier33/ng.pdf

Guest: Sarah Louise Gandolfo (https://slmconti.wixsite.com/learningtoleadinec)

Host: Dee Suvanmani   Instagram: @teachingjourneypodcast