Whose Responsibility is Self Care in the Workplace?

Elevate with Adam Harris

Mar 1 2022 • 16 mins

This week's episode is in response to Prince Harry's comments that employers should be giving employees time for themselves to do the 'inner work' during the work day. I've been thinking about what self care might look like for organisations and for individuals and whose responsibility it is to ensure it takes place.

I cover the following:

  • What does self care mean to you?
  • When is the right time or place you have to replenish yourself?
  • What do you need to make you the best version of you?
  • As a manager and leader what is within your remit to give to others.
  • How as leaders can we model behaviour that shows self care
  • Different flexible working models moving forward to support this

I'd love to hear your thoughts about self care in general but more specifically how do you ensure that as a leader you look after yourself and those who work for you. Is it even appropriate for all of this to happen in the working day? I can't wait to hear from you.

About Adam:

I work with CEO’s, managing directors, their boards and leadership teams as well as aspiring leaders who want to climb the corporate ladder. I help them achieve greater results for their teams, their businesses and themselves. How? By taking them from where they are to where they want to get to. I do that not by answering their questions, but by questioning their questions. By being Frank and Fearless. I ask tough questions and encourage my clients to say what they really think. I create space to enable them to stop, pause and reflect. Out of that space comes clarity and real opportunities for growth. I help my clients do incredible things. I help them understand that good and bad things happen. Life goes on regardless. What matters is your perspective and how you react to the shit that happens to you. What you get out of life depends on how you navigate your way through it.

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