Is it time to fire that toxic dog owner client? These are your signs...

Mind Your Own Dog Business

May 3 2022 • 21 mins

In this episode of the Mind Your Own Dog Business podcast, Kristen Lee talks about the signs that it's time to fire that toxic dog owner client.  Yep. Even if you've been putting it off.

For a moment, dog peeps, it would be an ideal world that every dog-owning client that comes to your dog training and pet business is the motherfucking ideal, perfect, dream client.

Oh, the dog trainer business land of perfect clients that do everything you prescribe them in your dog training program, that commits 100% to training their dogs with your guidance, who respect all your boundaries as a dog trainer, don't blow up your email, text, after that bottle of wine on a Sunday evening projecting their bullshit through their dog that rolls down to you.

But here we are.

What to do? Recognize the signs of a bad dog owner client in your pet dog business, objectively and non-emotionally decide if you want to continue working with them, and then yeet them the fuck out of your dog business if needed.

Episode Links:

Work with Dog Biz School

Dog Biz School Website

Instagram - Kristen Lee

Instagram - Dog Biz School