3. Should You Buy a Tesla?

The Soup of Wall Street

Mar 29 2024 • 25 mins

Hey there, pondering whether to splurge on a Tesla? Well, buckle up because Soup Martinez and Brodrick Lothringer are diving into the nitty-gritty of that exact dilemma.

Picture this: living in a world where sci-fi dreams are becoming our reality faster than you can say "flux capacitor"! We'll be chatting about how snagging a Tesla (or not) impacts your wallet, your feels, and even your social standing.

And you know what? We're not just talking about Elon Musk and Bill Gates like they're some distant figures on a pedestal. Nah, we're digging deep into their legacies and what they mean for us regular folks.

So, if you're on the fence about Tesla or any other tech wonders, join today's convo.