Activity, Hustle, and the Power of Action

Wellness Zone

Apr 3 2024 • 38 mins

Learn from successful and then do what successful people do!

I am an ‘inverted paranoid’. I just believe that everybody in the world is out to get me and help me build my Avini business!   Everybody wants to be my partner. Everybody wants to be my customer. When I’m meeting with someone, I visualize a red carpet rolling out and they are waiting to join me, because they not only want to work with me or become my customer, they want to be my friend. If you don’t get a chance to associate with me, you are going to miss something, baby!

Now that is the right attitude!

Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe and enthusiastically act upon. . . must inevitably come to pass.

-Paul J Meyer



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