SDN114: Staying Committed to Difficult Goals with Patrick Allmond

Stop Doing Nothing Show

Jun 15 2021 • 36 mins

The Importance of Staying Committed to Difficult Goals.

How many motivational podcasts and videos have you listened to or watched, and yet you still sit your butt down doing every other thing you need to do in life except HITTING your goals?

Even a super guru on top of the hill wouldn't be able to tell you that staying committed to challenging goals is 100% easy peasy! Because it's not.

In this episode, I will not bombard you with "wise" information. Instead, I will share valuable lessons from my own mistakes that are practical and actionable steps to get you unstuck and finally get you to MOVE and attack your big scary dreams!

What You Will Discover:

✔️ Be reminded that playing small will do you no good. Most people are scared to go for their ginormous dreams! Big challenging goals will test you and make you stretch yourself and are so worthwhile because you will come out a different person on the other end.

✔️ Why "Later" is a success killer! Most people let life go on autopilot and wait for later or next time that eventually never happens. We get too busy cooking, eating, exercising, socializing, raising kids, sleeping or doing our job or taking out the trash, or mowing the lawn that we don't plan time in our day to plan our life. So if you don't pull up your calendar and say when later is, you're in for a major tragedy.

✔️ Pick five significant goals. Make sure those five things are challenging, quantifiable, and the things you can do. Once you focus on those, it will determine everything else that comes after that. What skills will you need? Who are the people you should be with? Determine these to layout your environment, and change your life.

✔️ Use TV time as a reward when you hit goals. Sleep, rest, mental refreshing, and even bingeing on your favorite shows are essential for you. However, ensure that you plan and limit that time and use it as a reward for other things you've accomplished.

✔️ Honor a dream building and planning day. Set a day in your calendar to stop and do nothing! Let this personal appointment with yourself allow you to pull away from work and distractions and plan. BUILD time into your life to THINK about your life.

✔️ How to shut down distractions and protect your focus. Bing, bing, bing... email, text messages, and notifications come in, and you always feel like you have to answer it! Don't be governed by these, and learn how to focus.

✔️ Follow one course until successful. Narrowing down the things you want to do and constantly removing everything in your way to focus on one particular goal will work wonders in your life.

✔️ Be obsessed with time and learn not to waste it. Take advantage of the tools built into your technology that help you focus and maximize utilities that allow you to be mindful of your every action.

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