Theme: LGBTQIA+ Identity, Experiences & Challenges In Healthcare.
Participants: Dr Dervla McGrann (FACEM), Dr Bhushan Joshi (FACEM), Dr Ashleigh Pitcher (advanced trainee in paediatrics), Dr Kit Rowe, Dr Shreyas Iyer, and Dr Caroline Tyers.
Presenter: Dr Caroline Tyers.
Toman L. (2019). Navigating medical culture and LGBTQ identity. The clinical teacher, 16(4), 335–338.
- This was a qualitative study which focused on the experience of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer medical students as trainees within the medical profession.
- This study aimed to investigate how LGBTQIA+ medical students navigate medical school as minorities and sociocultural behaviours within medical culture contribute to their overall well-being and mental health.
- 12 LGBTQ medical students from 4 different medical schools in Michigan were placed into focus groups in 2018.
- The prominent themes that emerged from this study were: 1) fears of repercussions of identifying as part of the LGBTQIA+ community, 2) a lack of mentorship for these students, and 3) the added burden of being from a non-white background.
- The conclusion of this study highlighted the importance of implementing programs to support diversity and welcome differences among students and employees alike.
- It raised the need for deliberate support of LGBTQIA+ students through advocacy and conditions that encourage affirmation and promote positive mental health outcomes.
Take-Home Points:
- Not only are our LGBTQIA+ patients important but our colleagues are also incredibly important too.
- Our LGBTQIA+ colleagues may face different challenges, and it is something that we as a medical community need to work together toward improving.
Music/Sound Effects:
- Paradise by Spiring |, Music promoted by, Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0),
- Traveling Around The World by Alex-Productions |, Music promoted by, Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0),
- Please be advised that the individual views and opinions expressed in this recording strive to improve clinical practice, are our own, and do not represent the views of any organization or affiliated body. Therapies discussed are general and should not be a substitute for an individualized assessment from a medical professional.
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