29. School Counselors: Standards-Based, Student-Focused

Affton Unplugged

Feb 8 2024 • 29 mins

Welcome to this thrilling episode of the Affton Unplugged Podcast! Join Superintendent Travis Brach with our two special guests, Jane Bohn and Hannah Dreas, as we celebrate National School Counseling Week through an exploration of the significant roles school counselors play within the Affton School District.

In this episode, Jane from Affton High School and Hannah from Mesnier Primary School share insightful stories about their roles, responsibilities, and aspirations as school counselors. They uncover the multifaceted aspects of their work, that stretch beyond classroom schedules to crisis counseling, individual student planning, and career development programs.

As we delve deeper into the conversation, we highlight the unique facets of school counseling at different grade levels, illustrating the criticality of their roles throughout a student's educational journey. Our school counselors showcase their dedication to students’ wellbeing and their personal experiences that shape their efforts behind the scenes.

Wait until the end, as we hear from Harley, Blessed, and Lucas - some of our youngest learners at Mesnier Primary School, to gain an understanding of their experiences with their school counselors. They discuss the impact of counselor-led initiatives in developing their problem-solving abilities and emotional management skills.

This episode provides an in-depth view of the evolving landscape of school counseling in the Affton School District. Listen in, as we celebrate the accomplishments of our school counselors during National School Counselor Week and develop an appreciation for these unsung heroes of our educational system.