Live Leadership Lessons from The FRONT with guest Jim Ziegler "The Alpha Dawg"

The FRONT: A Leadership Podcast

Jan 10 2019 • 42 mins

I am thrilled and honored this week to have an amazing guest James A. Ziegler, The Alpha Dawg. I know that Jim will be bringing the FIRE during this Live Leadership Lesson on the FRONT.

Jim Ziegler, The Alpha Dawg is one of the best known, and well-respected names in the Auto Industry. A wealth of leadership and management knowledge (Probably too much for one show!), from a career spanning more than four decades! And he is always an audience favorite!

He is a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) with the National Speakers Association, the highest honor, and award to be recognized by this association. He is a sought-after keynote speaker for his engaging and accurate information that he shares.

Jim is the ultimate student of the Automotive Industry. He is a foremost authority on automotive and has a proven track record in both his past performances and his predictions of what is to come next.

Jim is absolutely a living legend in the car business. With over four decades in the auto business, he has continued to learn, evolve, and re-invent himself many times. He is a true professional and an expert in so many ways in the auto industry.

When I asked about legacy, he commented that he said, “I am in the legacy part of my career… I want to really to have helped a lot of people, have people remember what I contributed.”

I like that when talking with Jim, he sharted a lot of tangible and applicable information that people can take and use in business, especially the Automotive Business. For example, Jim shared that he has four “E’s” in Zieglarisms (for management). And, I really liked his explanation of them, gotta watch the show to get his full description. Here you go with the basics:

  1. Evaluate – you can’t change what you cannot measure.
  2. Educate – train people.
  3. Elevate – make every effort to bring peoples standards up.
  4. Exterminate – If it doesn’t work, sometimes people have got to go.

Make sure you tune in and check out the entire episode. It’s 40 minutes of wisdom, insight, and all around great information that auto dealers, or really any business can use to level up their performance.


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