How To Navigate Taxes, Visas, and Setting up a Company as a US Expat With Roland Sabates of Expat Legal Services Group

Remotely Cultured

Nov 7 2023 • 32 mins

Roland Sabates is the Founder and Managing Member of Expat Legal Services Group. The firm provides unique services for American expatriates and foreign nationals, including legal advice, foreign adoption consultancy, international tax advice, and real estate planning. He’s also the President of American Tax Partners. Roland devotes his time to developing creative strategies and solving tax issues for international clients. While at the Tax Institute at H&R Block, he managed a tax research team focused on the needs of American expats, foreign nationals' US tax exposure, and tax filers in Puerto Rico and other US possessions. Roland was the Director of Operations at H&R Block for over two years before practicing tax and real estate law at The Hood Law Group.

In this episode…

Migrating to another country to start a new life can be an exhilarating experience. However, it can also be a daunting undertaking due to the many complex requirements. What should Americans be aware of before uprooting to a foreign destination?

Tax expert Roland Sabates explains that American citizens who hold a US passport should understand that even if they move overseas, they’re still obligated to file taxes annually. In addition, filing an information report is crucial if you possess an out-of-country bank account with a balance over $10,000. This protects individuals from penalty exposure or assumptions of nefarious activities. However, there are some benefits, as Roland defines the foreign-earned income exclusion, which could save you from paying US taxes on amounts of $120,000 or more.

In this episode of Remotely Cultured with Jeanna Barrett, Roland Sabates, Founder and Managing Partner at Expat Legal Services Group, talks about unique tax services for American expatriates. Roland discusses tax complexities and responsibilities for American expatriates, how to incorporate a business as an expat entrepreneur, and the intersection of tax and immigration visas.