How SaaS Companies Can Effectively Create (And Document!) Processes, Fun Ways To Hold Your Leadership Team Accountable, and a Game-Changing Hiring Tip With Suzie Cyrenne of Buster Fetcher

Remotely Cultured

Dec 5 2023 • 42 mins

Suzie Cyrenne is the Co-founder and Certified Operating Officer of Buster Fetcher, a software service that detects delivery delays and creates refund requests for merchants. She’s also the Co-founder and COO of Zumalka, a provider of online, high-quality, natural pet products. Suzie is passionate about the empowerment of women in business, which she highlights on her podcast, Women Powering Ecommerce, launched in June 2023.

In this episode…

Working remotely offers many advantages — however, one of its pitfalls is virtual meeting fatigue, a condition of mental and physical exhaustion caused by excessive video conferences. While teams must meet to ensure everyone is working toward a common goal, how can unnecessary videoconferences be eliminated?

Business owner Suzie Cyrenne had previously avoided Zoom meetings to prevent screen time overstimulation. As her companies expanded and teams grew, she realized that daily Slack chats were inadequate for communicating goals and grievances. As a result, Suzie implemented the daily nine-at-nine. During the daily nine-at-nine, all teams convene for a nine-minute Zoom meeting at 9 am to discuss the day’s primary action purposes. To create a positive atmosphere, Suzie curates specific songs to set the tone. In addition, all team leads share a victory from the previous work day and allow team members to voice their complaints.

In this episode of Remotely Cultured, Jeanna Barrett welcomes Suzie Cyrenne, Co-founder and COO of Buster Fetcher and Zumalka, to discuss remote work culture and processes. Suzie shares systems for creating efficient operating processes, strategies for building a thriving remote team culture, and explains the daily nine-at-nine.