Building Rapport Across Cultures and Leveraging Time Zones for Efficiency with Heidi Joy Tretheway of

Remotely Cultured

Jun 2 2023 • 45 mins

Heidi Joy Tretheway is the Vice President of Marketing at, a developer productivity platform designed to simplify environment management and testing for cloud-native apps. Before joining Garden, Heidi held corporate marketing leadership roles at B2B and SaaS companies, including Urban Airship, The OpenStack Foundation, Liveops Inc., Contentful, Signavio, and Quix. Her other accolades include international speaking and authoring 10 books. Heidi works remotely from her home in the Pacific Northwest and Berlin, specializing in European startups.

In this episode...

With the onset of Covid in 2020, remote work became the new normal. Three years later, it’s hard to conceive that working from home was once an anomaly. Now, when job hunting, it’s nearly impossible not to see “remote work” or “work from anywhere” in the job description. Still, working from home has a stigma, and some companies still require employees to wear business attire during virtual conferences.

However, many veteran remote workers, such as Heidi Joy Tretheway, are changing how work-from-home employees are viewed. The WFH lifestyle is not a trend that will eventually fade. In fact, as of June 2022, 80% of people hold remote or hybrid jobs, and it’s expected that this work model will grow to 81% in 2024. So, aside from growth in numbers, what other changes can we expect to see in the remote or hybrid work model?

In this episode of Remotely Cultured, join host Jeanna Barrett as she welcomes’s Vice President of Marketing, Heidi Joy Tretheway, to discuss changes in the remote workforce. Heidi discusses her experience working abroad, European work culture versus American, documentation in the remote work model, strategies for becoming an exceptional remote worker, and how to empower your workers to be self-sufficient. Plus, Heidi shares why storytelling is vital to marketing.