Smart home energy technology, with Mark Harrison from dcbel

Informed Choice Radio Personal Finance Podcast

Aug 12 2022 • 15 mins

We need to get smarter about home energy consumption.

With rising wholesale prices and concerns about the capacity of the National Grid, could your battery electric vehicle be part of the solution to a smart energy future?

In today’s episode, I’m chatting with Mark Harrison from dcbel, who are bringing to Europe their smart home energy technology.

dcbel sits at the nexus of residential solar power, electric vehicle charging and prosumer-centric energy systems. Its AI-driven sustainable energy technology puts the power into the hands of customers to fuel their car, home, and lifestyle with solar energy.

I’m fascinated by new technology, especially where it has the prospect to save money, lead to a more sustainable future, and secure access to energy in an increasingly uncertain world.

Here’s my conversation with Mark Harrison from dcbel in episode 583 of Informed Choice Radio.