13 - Trapped in Leadership

Leadership Ripples with Leah Fink

Jan 12 2024 • 14 mins

Have you ever felt like you've been thrust into leadership without a say in the matter? Join me, as I uncover the complexities of leadership, especially for those who didn't set out to be leaders.  This episode is a candid look at the weight of leadership responsibilities and the very human struggle to find personal fulfillment when your career path takes an unexpected turn into management.

Is stepping us as a leader an intentional choice you are making every day?

Whether you are new to a management role, or an experienced leader who is started to feel trapped, join us to reflect on your practice.

To have your questions answered on the show, submit your story here: https://allthrive.ca/share-your-story

Leadership Ripples with Leah Fink is live every week at 5:00pm MST.  Please join us to get answers to your leadership questions! https://www.linkedin.com/in/leah-fink-all-thrive/