11- 3 Steps for Effective Feedback

Leadership Ripples with Leah Fink

Dec 22 2023 • 19 mins

Imagine transforming every piece of feedback you give into a stepping stone for trust and growth—sounds powerful, right? That's exactly what we're unpacking in this episode, as we venture into the delicate dance of feedback within the workplace.  By embracing feedback as a regular practice, rather than a dreaded confrontation, we unlock its capacity to bolster team dynamics, enhance performance, and lay the groundwork for enduring trust within our professional and personal relationships.

What if you could say the hard things you needed to your team without feeling stressed?

If you are ready to start your team on a journey of growth, you should listen to this episode.

To have your questions answered on the show, submit your story here: https://allthrive.ca/share-your-story

Leadership Ripples with Leah Fink is live every week at 5:00pm MST.  Please join us to get answers to your leadership questions! https://www.linkedin.com/in/leah-fink-all-thrive/