Episode #170: Frantic Fandom Freakouts

Fuel Your Fandom

Dec 15 2023 • 1 hr 42 mins

For every thousand fans of anything, there are always one or two people who go the opposite route. Not apathy — but rather, active opposition. Literally nothing that exists in pop culture is so innocuous that some busybody moron can't clutch their pearls and raise a high-heavens-level stink about it. Enter: the hater freakout. Sometimes it's the fact that a video game has a character of ambiguous gender. Other times, someone tilts their heads, squints, and decides something is about drugs or sex when it's obviously not. Ultimately, the rallying cry of "wOn'T aNyBoDy tHiNk oF tHe cHiLdReN?!?" is the pearl-clutching mantra these colossal killjoys hide behind when projecting their own dark desires and/or insecurities on people just trying to enjoy some light entertainment. In this edition of FYF, Saint and Jim look at some of the downright dumbest dustups — and maybe even one or two where they have to kinda admit that MAYBE the buzzkills might have had a point.