The Power of Sharing Wisdom Across Generations – Dr. Jandi Kelly

The Retirement Wisdom Podcast

Feb 18 2024 • 45 mins

You'll need more than a vision for a great retirement. Early Registration for our 2nd Design Your New Life in Retirement small group program of 2024 is now open. Starts on April 26th. Join us  ______________________ Who can benefit from your life story? What do you want your children and grandchildren to remember about you? The concept of legacy is being redefined and goes beyond financial assets to value hard earned life lessons and wisdom. Dr. Jandi Kelly, of A Talk to Remember, shares her insights on life purpose and ways to share your life story and wisdom across generations. Dr. Jandi Kelly joins us from Bend, Oregon. ________________________ Bio Dr. Jandi Kelly is the founder of A Talk to Remember, a boutique production company that helps families and organizations capture their legacies in documentary films and oral history projects. For the past fifteen years, Jandi has worked as a university researcher, instructor, and administrator at the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, and the University of Michigan. She received her Ph.D. in higher education from the University of Michigan and her academic scholarship focuses on the topics of teaching and learning, life purpose, and identity development. Her research has been featured in The Journal of Higher Education and other publications. Jandi and her family live in Bend, Oregon, where she serves on the board of trustees for an independent K-12 experiential learning school. ________________________ For More on Dr. Jandi Kelly A Talk to Remember  ________________________ Podcast Episodes You May Like A Round of Golf with My Father – William Damon The Vintage Years – Dr. Francine Toder The New Age of Aging – Maddy Dychtwald Inward Traveler – Francine Toder PhD _________________________ Wise Quotes On Life Purpose "'s helpful to actually define what we mean by life purpose...One of the definitions that I really appreciate is how our talents that we enjoy using intersect with the need in the world or our community that we find to be personally meaningful. And what I really like about that definition is that unlike some specific personal goals that we may have, it extends beyond aims of personal meaning to a desire that we want to make a difference in the world. And so therefore, it's self transcendent in nature. What the research demonstrates is that having a sense of purpose is associated with a host of benefits across the lifespan as well as later in life. When we think about how life purpose can be beneficial throughout our lives, one of the most overarching benefits is that it really helps us live with greater intentionality in how we spend our days and to remain true to ourselves while benefiting the greater good. And so, in a way, we can think about purpose as a guide that takes us in the right direction. And I know that you had one of your earlier conversations was with Bill Damon out of Stanford, the renowned developmental psychologist, and he likens purpose to an ultimate concern or a final answer to the question of why. So why am I doing this? Why am I striving to accomplish this end? And in that way, purpose is the reason behind our immediate goals, and it's a motive that drives most of our daily behaviors." On Storytelling  "...when we think about the contributions that we want to make through our stories, we not only have an ability to really impact youth when it comes to the wisdom that we're passing on, but we also see as we tell our stories that our lives have purpose....And with that, when we think about the stories that we have and when we are afforded time, especially later in life, to really do an inventory of our life, we have an ability to carry our life lessons and experiences with us. And not only do we bring them with us, but they provide a rich opportunity for learning about how we might want to build a rewarding future and repeat some of the things that worked well i...