This week’s conversation is with a small group of people interested in understanding my design for living. The conversation is raw and honest, and not everyone may be receptive to it. This is the beauty of choice. We no longer have to live our lives concerned about others’ opinions and expectations of us. Find your tribe, seek out mentors—more than one if possible. Love yourself, continue to grow, and aim to be 1% better every day.
We stay focused on the solution, always striving to be better than we were yesterday. True transformation doesn’t come from mere contemplation; it requires action. You can’t think your way into right thinking; you have to act your way into it. Embrace self-love and recognize that your Higher Power is always present, waiting for you to open that channel. Detach your ego and eliminate reactive behaviors.
Take criticism not as a setback but as an opportunity for growth. Objectively assess its validity and calmly evaluate the feedback. This enhances our ability to navigate challenging personalities and situations with grace. The ability to differentiate between the mountains of criticism and negativity we face daily and the opportunities they present is vital for personal and professional growth.
Using criticism to focus on our present emotional intellect helps us stay mentally and emotionally in the moment. This is a pivotal skill for avoiding the darkness that comes with resentment and defensiveness. Prioritize intellect over emotion (I over E).
By focusing on these principles, we can cultivate a life of continuous improvement and resilience. It’s about embracing the journey, learning from every experience, and finding strength in our connections and self-love
Enjoy the conversation.