
Skills AI Can't Steal

Mar 22 2023 • 1 min

In late 2022 when Chat GPT appeared on the scene,  it set off a wave of anxiety that rolled through the creative industries. It quickly became the new thing to doomscroll. That we would soon be replaced by robots.

After many conversations with friends and colleagues I realized there was a void. Most voices were either panicked or dismissive.  We needed to redirect the conversation. Away from existential dread, away away from polished marketing talk that dismisses all the problems and toward hopeful relational conversation.

In the upcoming podcast series We will have conversations with Designers, Artists, Creative thinkers about how to exercise our uniquely human skills and experience to thrive in a world that is becoming more and more automated.

Human beings are wired for connection, relationship, and stories. Therefore Creativity in human connection, problem solving , and storytelling will always be needed.

I hope you find this to be a safe place to be who are and learn something encouraging. Remember you are a human being with intrinsic worth.

Thanks for listening. Please rate us in the appstore.
Remember, "You are a human being with intrinsic worth!"

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