EPISODE 34 | 这才是正宗的对外汉语老师 A real Teacher of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TCFL)!

瞎扯学中文 Convo Chinese

Jul 26 2022 • 27 mins

Click here for transcript:https://convo-chinese-joanne.medium.com/episode-34-%E8%BF%99%E6%89%8D%E6%98%AF%E6%AD%A3%E5%AE%97%E7%9A%84%E5%AF%B9%E5%A4%96%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD%E8%80%81%E5%B8%88-a-real-teacher-of-chinese-as-a-foreign-language-tcfl-fa625003570f

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分不清楚 Can't tell the difference | Fēn bù qīngchǔ
偶然的机会 by chance | ǒurán de jīhuì
误打误撞 by mistake | wù dǎ wù zhuàng
闲逛 Hanging out | xiánguàng
石凳子 stone stool | shí dèngzǐ
石桌子 stone table | shí zhuōzi
萌发 sprouting | méngfā
一来..二来… one to... Two... | yī lái.. Èr lái…
聊起来 Talk up | liáo qǐlái
天坛北门 Tian Tan North Gate | tiāntán běi mén
旅游景点 Tourist attractions | lǚyóu jǐngdiǎn
有勇气 Have courage | yǒu yǒngqì
语言交换 Language Exchange | yǔyán jiāohuàn
语伴 Language Companion | yǔ bàn
课本 Textbooks | kèběn
教材 teaching materials | jiàocái
人生地不熟 unfamiliarity with the world | rénshēng dì bù shú
从事职业 working in a profession | cóngshì zhíyè
无所事事 Doing nothing | wúsuǒshìshì
做家务 Doing housework | zuò jiāwù
人生的意义 The meaning of life | rénshēng de yìyì
质疑 questioning | zhíyí
朝这个方向发展 Moving in this direction | cháo zhège fāngxiàng fāzhǎn
坚定 Determination | jiāndìng
帖子 Posts | tiězi
达成意向 Reaching Intent | dáchéng yìxiàng
流程 Process | liúchéng
五道口 WuDaoKou (a place in Beijing_ | wǔdàokǒu
拉脱维亚 Latvia | lātuōwéiyǎ
大使馆 Embassy | dàshǐ guǎn
二秘 Second Secretary | èr mì
零基础 from scratch, zero foundation | líng jīchǔ
胸毛 chest hair | xiōngmáo
熊猫 panda | xióngmāo
纳闷 puzzled | nàmèn
中途 midway | zhōngtú
生词 raw words | shēngcí
表达 expressing | biǎodá
脱口秀 stand-up comedy | tuōkǒu xiù
谐音 harmonic | xiéyīn
笑点 laughing point, jokes | xiào diǎn
梗 Joke | gěng
深谙 know well | shēn ān
涉猎 dabble, ead or study cursorily | shèliè
领悟 comprehend | lǐngwù
职业发展 career development | zhíyè fāzhǎn
网上平台 online platform | wǎngshàng píngtái
线上课程 Online Courses | xiàn shàng kèchéng
线下课程 offline courses | xiàn xià kèchéng
诉求 aspiration | sùqiú
积累经验 Gain experience | jīlěi jīngyàn
星巴克 Starbucks | xīngbākè
全心 Wholeheartedly | quán xīn
注册 Registration | zhùcè
手把手的 Hands-on | shǒubàshǒu de
胆怯 Timid | dǎnqiè
一对一 One-on-One | yī duì yī
分享屏幕 Share Screen | fēnxiǎng píngmù
界面 Interface | jièmiàn
起步 Getting Started | qǐbù
定价 Pricing | dìngjià
亲自 in person | qīnzì
网上办公 Online Office | wǎngshàng bàngōng
语言教学 language teaching | yǔyán jiàoxué
古装 ancient Chinese costume | gǔzhuāng
电视剧 TV Drama | diànshìjù
喜剧 Comedy | xǐjù
哈利波特 Harry Potter | hā lì bō tè
注解 Annotations | zhùjiě
语料 language corpus | yǔliào
体现 Embody, demonstrate | tǐxiàn
来源于生活,高于生活 From life, above life | láiyuán yú shēnghuó, gāo yú shēnghuó
运用语言 Use of language | yùnyòng yǔyán
贴近 close to | tiējìn
发家史 history of development of the business | fājiā shǐ

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