The Influencer: Secrets to Success and Happiness w/ Brian Ahearn

Forward Creative

Dec 14 2022 • 43 mins

In This Episode, I had Brian Ahearn on who is the Chief Influence Officer at Influence People. He is keynote speaker who specializes in applying the science of Influence in everyday life. Brian also is one of the only 20 individuals who holds the Cialdini Method Certified Trainer designation, who was certified through Robert B. Cialdini, PH.D.

Brian's Latest book The Influencer: Secrets to Sucess and Happiness you will learn       7 secrets that will propel you from ordinary to extraordinary when it comes to your ability to influence people.

Brian's Book, Influence People: Powerful Everyday Opportunities to Persuade that are Lasting and Ethical, is an Amazon Best seller. Also, Brian's LinkedIn courses have been viewed by more than 75,000 people.

Key take aways:
- The influence process to ethically get to YES more often
- How to employ Robert Cialdini's proven principles of influence without being manipulative
- Ways to identify and DEAL with different personality types
- Five steps to tap into the power of active listening
- The magic of words like because, but, and however

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