Introducing: Wider Roots

Wider Roots

Jan 27 2024 • 1 min

In order to navigate the breakdowns we’re in, we need coaches and leaders who can help us bring out the best qualities of humanity and tap into our deepest longings for the future.

This podcast is my attempt to do “research in public” and explore the questions that have been in my heart for over a decade:

  • How can coaching skills and practices support changemakers and social movements working for systemic change?
  • How can social, political, and ecological realities inform the foundation of HOW we coach? (Rather than being de-politicized and individualistic.)
  • What does it look like to place our commitment to the well-being of the whole at the center of a coaching conversation/relationship?

This podcast is my quest to understand more about these questions. I hope you walk away with ideas, inspiration, and resources to coach in a way that makes a difference for the world we want to live into.

I invite you to join the newsletter where we'll be sharing additional resources, links, training opportunities and more: