Why coaching + social change?

Wider Roots

Feb 13 2024 • 40 mins

Welcome to the podcast! This episode is going to be different than our usual format because I wanted to take some time to lay the foundation for the questions we’ll be exploring on this show. Questions like “How can our movement spaces actively create more opportunities for deep, internal transformation while we work for external change?”

I invited my dear friend Jess Serrante (a long-time coach for climate leaders) to help shed some light on the purpose of this podcast and our hopes for justice-oriented coaches.

Check out the episode page for the transcript and all the resources related to this episode: https://widerroots.com/1

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  • [00:32] - What this show is about
  • [08:26] - Intro to my conversation with Jess
  • [10:14] - Jeremy's coaching origin story
  • [14:24] - What would it be like if we all had these skills?
  • [18:40] - Who this is for and what we'll be exploring
  • [21:29] - Coaching industry & how we don't see ourselves in it
  • [26:03] - Why we find coaching so powerful in movement work
  • [31:52] - Being in community with one another as practitioners

Connect with Jess

Connect with Jess at JessSerrante.com or @jess_serrante. Sign up for her newsletter to get notified when the We Are The Great Turning podcast (with Joanna Macy!) is released later this year.

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