The Reconciliation by Lafcadio Hearn


Feb 13 2023 • 10 mins

We start our second season with a short story about love, loss, and the potential supernatural repercussions to procrastination. “The Reconciliation” by Lafcadio Hearn from his book “Shadowings.”

Music and Audio Production by Bob Familiar

Read by Jim Billbrough

Ambient Arcana would like to dedicate this episode to our good friend Gabrielle Agachiko who passed away last month. Gabrielle was a wonderful singer with a powerful voice and an irrepressible personality. We had been planning to have her read for the podcast, particularly the parts that called for goddess level intensity, but unfortunately fate stepped in. She was deeply loved by many and will be dearly missed. Hopefully we will meet her again in the next incarnation, if such things are possible.

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