From Moscow to Multifamily with Igor Shaltanov, Ep 93

Journey to Multifamily Millions

Apr 25 2024 • 43 mins

Today's guest is Igor Shaltanov, heis the founder and managing partner of Avista Fund, and a former professional athlete who transitioned into successful entrepreneurship and real estate investing.

In this episode, Igor shares his journey from Moscow to multifamily investments in the US, starting with renting out an apartment and progressing through single-family homes. He highlights the importance of market understanding, teamwork, and trend awareness, having experienced both successes and failures.

Igor's story demonstrates the resilience and strategic thinking vital in real estate. Transitioning to fund creation, he delves into passive investment strategies, property management challenges, and his philosophy on success.

His multifaceted approach embodies the dynamic nature of real estate, showcasing the necessity of adaptability and seizing opportunities across diverse asset classes.

Episode Topics

[01:19]  Meet our guest, Igor Shaltanov
[02:49] The Power of Real Estate: A Personal Journey
[12:59]  Transitioning to the U.S. and Building a New Life
[19:44] From Saving to Investing: A New Chapter in the U.S.
[22:11] First Foray into Real Estate: Learning from Experience
[31:50] Building a Syndication Portfolio: Operator Vetting and Asset Classes
[40:29] What is one red flag every investor should look out for?
[40:59] What is a myth about the real estate business?
[42:25] Connecting to Igor

Notable Quotes

  • "My humble beginning of real estate investment taught me supply and demand, understanding what people want, and the obstacles in renting." - Igor Shaltanov
  • "Information wasn't always at our fingertips; it was more about learning by doing." - Tim Little
  • "Trying and failing, trial and error. You fail a couple of times and you'll find out." - Igor Shaltanov
  • "A lot of passive investors want to be hands-off. They're high-income earners, too busy to dive into due diligence." - Tim Little
  • "Many stay with money managers expecting high returns, but often get little above inflation." - Tim Little
  • "Stick to your strategy, avoid chasing shiny objects. Conservative operators who stick to their plan are the real winners." - Igor Shaltanov

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