Financial Gaslighting: Warning signs that your partner is abusing you financially

Financial Survivor Stories

May 16 2023 • 39 mins

From her dream house to losing it all & $220k debt: How one Australian woman lost it all from a man suffering addiction

For Sydney woman Samantha, she felt she had made it when she put the keys in the door of her first property. She had a new man and her savings were looking good.

Then things took a turn - the man began suffering a severe gambling addiction and landed Samantha and their kids in $220k of debt. The house was gone and her dreams were shattered.

Samantha lived a similar nightmare to hundreds of thousands of Australian women caught up in financially abusive situations.

Research from Turning Point Australia found Australians lost $5.4 billion in personal financial losses from harmful levels of gambling in 2021.

Now financial expert and founder of GetMyRefund Carly Woods has launched a new podcast 'Financial Survival Stories' as a tool to help people, particularly women, across Australia get out of financial woes before it is too late.

She says women coming out of relationships with a lack of financial literacy or in buckets of shady debt was far too common.

There are a range of ways that women can get in front of this mistake early and ensure they are financially set up / won’t be left in a tricky situation at the end of a relationship.

Gamblers Anonymous;

National Debt Helpline;