Unlocking Behavioral Finance Mysteries: AI Perspective| Real Wealth Podcast S2:E16

Real Wealth Podcast

Sep 26 2023 • 1 hr 12 mins

In this podcast episode, host Mike Proctor interviewed Dr. Paul Peloquin, the CTO and co-founder of ThumbScore, a company utilizing behavioral finance and AI to assist individuals in making benefits decisions. The conversation covered a range of topics:

Introduction to AI: Dr. Peloquin provided an overview of artificial intelligence and generative models, emphasizing that AI operates based on probabilities rather than absolute truths. He also touched upon the challenge of AI not being able to trace the sources of its knowledge.

ThumbScore: The podcast delved into ThumbScore's mission, which is to educate and guide people through personalized coaching during the benefits enrollment process, eliminating the need for physical advisors.

Wisdom from Experience: Dr. Peloquin shared insights gained from his 25+ years in technology and innovation. He stressed the importance of aligning with challenging partners, finding one's "area of genius," and dedicating time to continuous learning, even in unrelated areas, to boost efficiency.

Personal Journey: The interview explored Dr. Peloquin's personal struggles with mental health, including past suicidal thoughts, and how he found purpose and meaning through his Christian faith. He highlighted the significance of community and accountability partners, particularly for introverts facing isolation-related challenges.

Transformation and Faith: Towards the end, Dr. Peloquin discussed how he now views his life as an adventure rather than being defined by past struggles. He emphasized that with the help of faith, individuals can take up their crosses rather than merely dealing with them.

For more information on Dr. Paul Peloquin and his work, visit his website at www.paulpeloquinwichita.com.

Your Financial Partner: Explore comprehensive financial planning at www.leadingedgefp.com. Michael Proctor and the dedicated team at Leading Edge Financial Planning, LLC specialize in estate planning, retirement strategies, and supporting your financial journey.

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Disclaimer: The Real Wealth Podcast provides educational content; it is not a substitute for financial or legal advice. Consult with your financial and legal advisors before making any decisions.