How to plan an effortless end of year 🩷

Messy Magic

Nov 12 2023 • 23 mins

Believe it or not, the end of the year is just around the corner. 😬

For me, that brings up feelings of excitement and anticipation, as well as anxiety and a kind of fizziness..

Today I’m sharing some ideas - for both you and I - to help us cultivate an effortless end of year. They may be a little different to what you're expecting... but they're also applicable to planning your new year :)

In a nutshell (but do listen to the episode for the juicy details!):

  1. Get clear on your values
  2. Get clear on how you want to feel
  3. Consider what you can control (and let go of what you can't)
  4. Meet yourself where you are at - be real with yourself
  5. Decide now what you’ll do if things don’t go the way you visualised
  6. Plan - if you want to!

Plus right now, I have a new 1-1 coaching program available to help you do just this titled, funnily enough, Effortless End of Year. Sign up by November 19, 2023 for an Early Bird discount ($400 off!)

Delivered across December and January, I’ll support you to get clear on your deepest desires (specifically around this time of year but also for all things!), help you build your beautiful boundaries and create the end of year you desire. Plus we’ll work together to set new year intentions that are set up to serve you. There are 1-1 coaching sessions plus recordings and templates to support you to have your effortless end of year.

This time of year is perfect for getting clear on your desires. And this program is the perfect gift to yourself - what you experience will last well beyond this container.


As a Feminine Embodiment coach for women, I am dedicated to helping them establish unshakeable self-love, self-trust, and self-understanding resulting in confidence and freedom to live a beautiful life, filled with magic and pleasure.

Links mentioned
Effortless End of Year - 1-1 coaching program
Thank Goddess Podcast - Interview with Nadee Guy

If you'd like to get in touch you'll find me over at

Or you can DM me on IG :) @nadeeguy

Have a magical day x