TheKeys107:4 Keys To Gain Love, Peace, Happiness & Balance w/Dr.Stacie NC Grant

The Keys 107

Mar 31 2017 • 1 hr 9 mins

Hosts Rafika & Bro. James highlights The Mental Key with our special guest Dr. Stacie NC Grant. She has touched many hearts and souls through her captivating keynotes, world-renowned speeches, and life-coaching sessions. Her newest and most exciting venture yet, ACTION ACTION DESPITE THE DISTRACTION, delivers a life-changing message to empower “faithpreneurs” on their journey to live out their calling. Dr. Grant addresses the 7 most prevalent distractions that challenge our ability to achieve our goals and live our dreams: lack of belief, procrastination, disorganization/lack of focus, toxic people, fear, ego, and selfishness. Anyone who seeks divine inspiration MUST purchase and read this timely piece as it provides “7 Life Lessons to Thrive & Live Your Destiny Now!” The Keys 107 focuses on the 7 keys that open doors to endless possibilities in the pursuit of love, peace, and happiness. Each episode explores the spiritual, mental, physical, emotional, financial, art science & entertainment, and the social keys with emphasis on acts of kindness. It's our intention to invite guests who present solutions and strategies as we believe the 7 keys are essential building blocks to help you get to the next level in your life. Connect via Twitter, Instagram, Facebook @TheKeys107 and