Jason's Jelly Jam: Lovely baking and hospitality hearts

The Keys 107

Mar 19 2024 • 27 mins

Host Jason talks more about cooking! This episode is about baking and features high school student Damaja and Hospitality teacher Mr.Pecci. Mr. Pecci is with the Educational Technical Institute (ETI) which is GRIT’s hospitality after school program.  We have two main points to cover:  We’ll talk about the hospitality program and what it takes to get in the door and career opportunities.  We will also talk about Damaja’s Interest in baking, how she got started, her favorite and least favorite things to bake, and much more. Jason is a student participant of the GRIT after school program at Hempstead HS. This is his 4th podcast. He is learning how to host, produce, and market using digital platforms. He has a support team of music producers, graphic designers. He and his production team designed his logo and the graphics for his shows.  Catch up with Jason: Twitter @JasonsJellyJam | Tik Toc @JasonsJellyJam | Instagram @ JasonsJellyJamPodcast                                                   Email: JasonsJellyJam@Gmail.com                                                      Photos compliments of Pexels.com