
The Keys 107

Apr 12 2024 • 1 hr 9 mins

The Keys 107 welcomes Student Iman Abdul Salaam Muhammad who stops by to talk about Ramadan & Beyond: Holding the new you! With a thirty-year legacy of impactful leadership in Baltimore, MD, he remains a pillar in the community. He joined the Nation of Islam at sixteen and by twenty, he was recognized as the youngest minister appointed by The Honorable Minister Farrakhan to lead Muhammad Mosque No. 6 (1994). He served as a Co-Convener for the Million Man March, and is known for calming an angry crowd in the wake of Freddie Gray’s death. He was appointed The National Archivist and Historian for The Nation of Islam (2014), and he received the honorific name of Abdul Salaam (2022), meaning “a servant of the God of Peace,” alongside his appointment as the 2nd Imam and resident Imam of Muhammad Mosque No. 6. The Keys 107 focuses on the 7 keys that open doors to endless possibilities in the pursuit of love, peace, and happiness. Each episode explores the spiritual, mental, physical, emotional, financial, art science & entertainment, and the social keys with emphasis on acts of kindness. It's our intention to invite guests who present solutions and strategies as we believe the 7 keys are essential building blocks to help you get to the next level in your life.  Connect with us: X | Instagram | Facebook | iTunes |AmazonMusic |email