Everyone Belongs at the Table | Family Matters | Week 4

C4 Church Hawaii

Apr 29 2024 • 46 mins

This week we will break the belief of a "Junior Holy Spirit" and the separation between children and adults in the family of God. It emphasizes that everyone, regardless of age or background, is valued and has a place at the table as a beloved son or daughter, brother or sister.

We'll learn pragmatically how we can involve children in meaningful ways and extend hospitality to others. You'll walk away challenged to consider who is currently at your table and to invite others in, reflecting the hospitality of the Kingdom of God.

Discussion Questions:

1. How has the concept of a "kids' table" impacted your sense of belonging in different spaces?

2. What are some fears or doubts that might hold you back from fully participating in the church family?

3. How can we create a more welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone, regardless of age or experience?

4. Think about a time when a younger person surprised you with their wisdom or insight. How can we encourage everyone to share their gifts and perspectives?

5. Consider your "table" at home and at church. Who might you intentionally invite to share a meal or conversation?

6. How can we, as a church family, reach out to those who feel isolated or alone?

7. If you are not currently in a smaller community, what's one step you can take to be a part of one?