New Week, New Headlines: Choices: CEO Pay Cut or Layoffs & Indeed's State of Workplace Findings

Your Work Friends

Feb 20 2024 • 29 mins

Hiya Friends!

We're back with New Week, New Headlines this week. And we're talking shop. Here's what we jammed about:

Topic 1: Choices: CEO Pay Cut or Layoffs?
Why do some CEOs and C-Level execs take a pay cut instead of laying folks off? Why don't others? We tackle the reasons. Plus a spotlight, from CNBC, on how former Nintendo CEO, Satoru Iwata's cut his salary to avoid layoffs.

Topic 2: Indeed's State of Workplace Findings
TheIndeed Survey with The Harris Poll, 2023launched last week with some surprising (71% of people are looking for jobs), and not surprising (people want hybrid) findings about what workers are looking for in future employers.  They also listed theIndeed’s Best Jobs of 2024and fun fact - mental health is big. Tech jobs? not so much.

Hot Job Board of the Week!
On sabbatical? Need to just try something completely different? Looking to do your own Eat, Pray, Love USA-Style? Well, Mel found the site for you.
Coolworks Job Board

Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be considered professional advice. We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the use of this podcast. The views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host or the management.

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