Q & A Tuesday Part 1

Talkin' Toxic

Mar 9 2021 • 11 mins

Kicking off my weekly "Q & A Tuesday's" with answering some of the tops questions I get asked when mentoring or most common questions I see in all the support groups.

Going forward, I'd like to answer YOUR questions so send me all your questions by submitting them HERE -  OR -  you can find the link in the bio of our Instagram account and submit them there.
(Your name and personal information will be kept private and your questions will be anonymous on the episodes.)

Follow our Instagram page or my personal IG page for future podcast updates, contests, and digital recourses.  Don't have IG ? You can go follow our "Like Page" or join my private FB virtual community where I'll be diving deeper with my own personal experience's in a more private setting.  **Youtube Channel Coming Soon**

**Grand Launch Gift card Giveaway Contest**!!!

Listen in for details on how you can win a $100 Amazon gift card to celebrate the launch of my new podcast !