A manifesto for sustainability leadership in 2024?

Leadership for Sustainability

Jan 25 2024 • 28 mins

In the last year or so we’ve seen a slew of reports about the state of the environment showing that we’re close to, or perhaps have already gone beyond, the point of no return with climate change and several other planetary boundaries.

It’s genuinely scary stuff, and it sometimes floors me.

And yet, other reports show real progress and suggest that we’re in with a chance of tackling the climate and nature crises. We have the technology, but what’s holding us back is social and cultural change.

I’m deeply worried by false and naive optimism, but I genuinely believe success is possible. But only if, as sustainability leaders, we adapt and evolve our approach.

Here's what I cover in this episode:

  • A review of the state of the climate and nature crises
  • Why this means we need a new approach to sustainability leadership
  • Nine things do we sustainability leaders need to do differently in 2024.

If you're overwhelmed or confused by the conflicting signals about the climate and nature crises, or are simply looking for ways to make more progress on sustainability in these difficult times, we've got some practical suggestions for you.

You'll find all the links mentioned in this episode in the companion blog post here…

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Mentioned in this episode:

Being a trusted (but not tame) sustainability leader

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